IERC7746 Interface#


Interface for the ERC7746 standard.


Validates a function call before execution.

function beforeCall(bytes configuration, bytes4 selector, address sender, uint256 value, bytes data) external returns (bytes)
Input Type Description
configuration bytes Middleware-specific configuration data.
selector bytes4 The function selector being called.
sender address The address initiating the call.
value uint256 The amount of ETH sent with the call (if any).
data bytes The calldata for the function call.
0 bytes beforeCallResult Arbitrary data to be passed to afterCallValidation.


MUST revert if validation fails.


Validates a function call after execution.

function afterCall(bytes configuration, bytes4 selector, address sender, uint256 value, bytes data, bytes beforeCallResult) external
Input Type Description
configuration bytes Middleware-specific configuration data.
selector bytes4 The function selector being called.
sender address The address initiating the call.
value uint256 The amount of ETH sent with the call (if any).
data bytes The calldata for the function call.
beforeCallResult bytes The data returned by beforeCallValidation.


MUST revert if validation fails.