IRepository Interface#

It is intended to be implemented by contracts that manage a collection of versions of a byte code.


Represents a source with version information, a unique identifier, and associated metadata.

Input Type Description
struct Source {
  struct LibSemver.Version version;
  bytes32 sourceId;
  bytes metadata;


Error indicating that the specified version does not exist.

error VersionDoesNotExist(uint256 version)
Input Type Description
version uint256 The version number that does not exist.


Error indicating that a release with a zero value is not allowed.

error ReleaseZeroNotAllowed()


Error indicating that the specified version already exists.

error VersionExists(uint256 version)
Input Type Description
version uint256 The version number that already exists.


Error indicating that the version increment is invalid.

error VersionIncrementInvalid(uint256 version)
Input Type Description
version uint256 The version number that caused the error.


The version increment must be exactly one for either major, minor, or patch.


error EmptyReleaseMetadata()


Error indicating that the release metadata is empty.


Emitted when a new version is added to the repository.

event VersionAdded(uint256 version, bytes32 source, bytes buildMetadata)
Input Type Description
version uint256 The version number of the added item.
source bytes32 The source identifier of the added item.
buildMetadata bytes Additional metadata related to the build.


Emitted when the metadata of a release is updated.

event ReleaseMetadataUpdated(uint256 version, bytes releaseMetadata)
Input Type Description
version uint256 The version number of the release.
releaseMetadata bytes The metadata associated with the release.


Updates the metadata for a specific release version.

function updateReleaseMetadata(struct LibSemver.Version version, bytes releaseMetadata) external
Input Type Description
version struct LibSemver.Version The version of the release to update.
releaseMetadata bytes The new metadata to associate with the release.


It MUST emit ReleaseMetadataUpdated event.


Retrieves the name of the repository.

function repositoryName() external view returns (bytes32)
Output Type Description
0 bytes32 The name of the repository as a bytes32 value.


Creates a new release for the given source ID.

function newRelease(bytes32 sourceId, bytes metadata, struct LibSemver.Version version) external
Input Type Description
sourceId bytes32 The unique identifier of the source.
metadata bytes The metadata associated with the release.
version struct LibSemver.Version The semantic version of the new release.


It MUST emit VersionAdded event.


Retrieves the latest source.

function getLatest() external view returns (struct IRepository.Source)
Output Type Description
0 struct IRepository.Source The requested source


Retrieves a specific item from the repository.

function get(struct LibSemver.VersionRequirement required) external view returns (struct IRepository.Source)
Input Type Description
required struct LibSemver.VersionRequirement the required version
0 struct IRepository.Source The requested Source.