We are using Ethereum Distribution System to enable users to deploy their own infrastructure in transparent and decentralized way.
In order to be out of box compatible with the interfaces & notifications of the Rankify platform, any deployment should should be done from the Peeramid Labs Distributor contract (PeeramidLabsDistributor.sol).
Specific address for distributor deployment can be found in the deployments github directory.
This is a work in progress, and the documentation is not yet complete. It will change over time.
MAODistribution contract#
MAODistribution.sol is used to create a new Meritocratic Autonomous Organization (MAO).
This deployment will create following infrastructure:
- RankToken - ERC1155 token used to represent the ranks in the MAO.
- Governance token - ERC20 token used to represent the governance in the MAO.
- ACID Distribution - Arguable Voting Tournament contract used to distribute governance tokens.
- Aragon OSx DAO - Aragon DAO used as wrapped smart account that represents the MAO.
- Aragon Token Voting Plugin - Aragon plugin used to vote on proposals within the DAO.
ACID distribution#
ArguableVotingTournament.sol is used to distribute governance tokens to the participants of the MAO by conducting autonomous competence identification tournaments.
This distribution deploys the Diamond Proxy that contains the following facets:
- EIP712InspectorFacet - Facet that contains the main logic of the distribution.
- RankifyInstanceMainFacet - Facet that contains the main logic of the distribution.
- RankifyGameMastersFacetFacet - Facet that contains the main logic of the distribution.
- RankifyInstanceGameOwnersFacet - Facet that contains the ownable logic of the distribution. (NB this will be deprecated)
- RankifyInstanceRequirementsFacet - Facet that contains the requirements logic of the distribution.
If you have any further questions to clarify, please feel free to ask in the Rankify Discord.