Creating new MAO#

In order to instantiate the MAO distribution, you don't need to deploy a thing. You just need to call the instantiate function of the the PeeramidLabsDistributor.sol contract and specify proper distribution Id and arguments.

import {  MAODistribution } from 'rankify-contracts/types';
const distributorArguments: MAODistribution.DistributorArgumentsStruct = {
        DAOSEttings: {
          daoURI: '',
          subdomain: 'example',
          metadata: ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes('metadata')),
          tokenName: 'tokenName',
          tokenSymbol: 'tokenSymbol',
        ACIDSettings: {
          RankTokenContractURI: '',
          gamePrice: 1,
          joinGamePrice: 1,
          maxPlayersSize: 16,
          maxTurns: 1,
          metadata: ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes('metadata')),
          minPlayersSize: 4,
          paymentToken: rankify.address,
          rankTokenURI: '',
          timePerTurn: 1,
          timeToJoin: 1,
          voteCredits: 14,
const data = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(
          'tuple(tuple(string daoURI, string subdomain, bytes metadata, string tokenName, string tokenSymbol) DAOSEttings, tuple(uint256 timePerTurn, uint256 maxPlayersSize, uint256 minPlayersSize, uint256 timeToJoin, uint256 maxTurns, uint256 voteCredits, uint256 gamePrice, address paymentToken, uint256 joinGamePrice, string metadata, string rankTokenURI, string RankTokenContractURI) ACIDSettings)',
      const distributorsDistId = process.env.DISTRIBUTOR_DIST_ID;
      const tx = await distributorContract.instantiate(distributorsDistId, data);

Getting DistributorsDistId#

While in development, simplest way to get distributorsDistId for MAO distribution is to call getDistributions at PeeramidLabsDistributor contract and look for. It's likely to be only one.


We will host a public API and upgrade our SDK to get the list of distributions soon.